The Gilded Spire
Difficulty: Level 125 Outdoor: Yes Locked: No Trash Level: Level 122-125 Named Level: Level 129 Connected Zones: Aureate Covert |
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Looming above all else on the leviathan is The Gilded Spire. This is the resplendent home of the Aurelian dragons, where their scalewrought servitors supply all of their needs. Lavishly appointed with precious metal, gemstones, and magical lighting, every space is a testament to the glory and power of the Aurelians. Vast ceilings allow space for flight and the heads of colossal statues dedicated to the Aurelian vision of Veeshan. The lower levels are busy with servitors preparing for every whim of the dragons that they serve, but the upper levels remain a mystery to them.
It is the upper levels where the rulers of this small city live and manage their servitors and the war that they must now wage against the children of Veeshan on Norrath. The great general, Usira, organizes his forces in the control room, where they make plans to cleanse the lesser creatures who have failed their duty to Veeshan. And above that is the shrine to the Mother, where the high priest Yaran seeks guidance from Veeshan.

The Gilded Spire Zone Overview By: Riou On: October 08, 2024, 04:32:51 PM
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